
Cancer showed up on my doorstep, saying "Surprise!" I said, "What the kitty hell? Get the F&!@$k out of here!"

Friday, September 24, 2010

An incredible blessedness...

I may be going out on a limb here, expressing my views on Mother/Father God. Some may furrow a brow and think I've dived off the deep end, but in my research of the Holy Spirit, I believe in a feminine aspect of God. In Proverbs 7-9, Wisdom is described as being feminine. It is called 'She' and 'Her'. The Wisdom given by the Holy Spirit, in Greek, is called 'Sophia' - a feminine term. When Listening to Leonard Nimoy explaining where he came up with the Vulcan hand salute for 'Live long and prosper', said he saw the salute during a Jewish ceremony where the Rabbi called down the 'Shekinah Glory'. What Christians call 'The Holy Spirit'. He was eight years old when this happened in the synagogue he attended with his father. They were told to bow their heads and close their eyes. Being eight years old, he was a naturally curious child and lifted his head during the ceremony to see the Rabbi hold his hands in that 'V' symbol. Later in life, he wondered as to why they had to close their eyes and bow their heads during the calling of the Shekinah. He was told that 'Shekinah' was 'Mother' and not to disrespect her. I'm paraphrasing this as I've not seen the interview in some time and am going by memory, but it was an incredibly powerful statement that left a mark on me, a very wonderful mark. (The interview was seen on the special features of season two DVD's for Star Trek The Original Series, if you wish to see it.)
I believe God is both masculine and feminine. I know some may find that difficult to swallow, but it is nevertheless a wonderful and comforting, at least to me, insight on God.

Why do I bring this up? Because Mother/Father God worked in my heart yesterday.
I had been struggling with flying up north to see my sister become hand-fasted to her fiance'. I would only be going up for the weekend, for her, but realizing the hectic day for this ceremony that would surround her and I, I became a bit nervous and uncertain if it was a good idea. Regardless of how I believe the Cancer is leaving my body, maintaining a positive mental and emotional state about that, there is the undeniable fact that the chemo treatments have affected my body and began to affect it right away. I had passed out a few times soon after the first few treatments of the latter drugs they used. Being in a crowd of people, in tight quarters caused this. There is also the fact that my immune system has been affected as well as my heart.

Being in a crowd of strangers, with all the activity associated with a wedding ceremony, I began to question the wisdom in this endeavor. I also did not want to hurt my sister by bowing out. I love my family, the closeness that has developed with everyone in my life (my friends, family even co-workers) has become a precious gift to me.

But friends and family offered wisdom and insight. My gut was telling me that going up there was not a good idea, but how to deal with it? What to say to my sister? I was encouraged to talk to her, and so I called. Her response? Complete and total understanding in a voice full of love. She, too, had been worried about my health. We spoke in love of what we could do for a later visit during the Christmas holidays when I'm off from work, when I can afford the time to go up there and just 'visit' her, to really spend quality time together. It was such a wonderful feeling to focus on 'then' rather than 'now' (again, living like there IS a tomorrow.)

The conversation took less than three minutes, the love was there, the restless feeling lifted and I called to cancel my 'Park n' Fly' reservations, as well as my flight reservations. In all, everything took less than 7 minutes to accomplish. I called my friends and family and reported back. Everyone felt good about this. Mother/Father God had moved to ease the situation with swift and unerring peace.
And this morning, as I write this? Well, I explained what I mean when I say "The Universe", well, everyone in my 'Universe' is surrounding me in spirit and the love is as powerful as a tidal wave. It's an incredible feeling. Cancer has no chance of winning against the most powerful weapon in the Universe. My friends and family remind me of this practically every day. I woke up feeling incredibly blessed to have them in my life, and to know that my spiritual family is up there looking out for me, too.

When stress comes at you about a certain situation, seek out 'Sophia', seek out that spiritual wisdom that comes from Mother/Father God, and you will find it in your friends and family. We are not alone in our battles and struggles. Take that love that flows out to you and allow it to move you like a gentle current...downstream, lay back and relax and enjoy the scenery as you pass along the journey. Trying to swim against that current only wears you down and exhausts you. Upstream journeys are, in a sense, like moving 'backwards', 'regressing'. The incredible adventure is before you. Rapids, waterfalls, will certainly also be before you, but therein lies the learn to navigate through them and around them. I hit a few rapids yesterday, fearing a forthcoming waterfall, but the wise counsel I received were the tools necessary to navigate, and in the end the journey led to an incredible blessing!
Life is soooo good!
Mother/Father God bless.
Rock on!

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